Horses for sale

At Álfhólar we have a wide range of horses for sale on every age and every stage of training. All from untrained youngsters to competition and breeding horses that is worth while taking a look at. Only a part of the horses we have for sale are displayed on this page. So if you are looking for something special you are welcome to contact us. 

For further information do not hesitate to send e-mail to [email protected] or call Sara: 00354-8988048.

Foals and youngsters        Mares         Geldings and stallions   

 Achtung! Deutsch sprechende Kunden: Sie können uns gerne auf Deutsch schreiben und wir werden Ihnen auf Englisch antworten.

 Danske kunder: Vi snakker og forstår dansk. 

Price class:

Because many of ours horses we offer to sale, are in training and do change between months with more training we decide put  them in a different price classes so people get feeling about the price and please contact us for extract price. 

 Priceclass Aup to 300.000 ISK
Priceclass B: 300-600.00 ISK 

    Priceclass C: 600-1.000.000 ISK

                 Priceclass D: 1.000.000 - 1.500.000 ISK

               Priceclass E: 1.500.000-3.000.000 ISK
             Priceclass F: 3.000.000 and more ISK

To find out the price in your currency you can use this Currency Converter.  

Export service

All our horses are staying in Iceland but we can arrange them with a reliable exportservice to their new home in other countries

Breeding in Iceland - Make the foal of your dreams! 

We offer a new service for our customers who are interested in leading their mares, bought from Álfhólar to their dream stallion before they transport them to new homes abroad.  In Iceland we have so many interesting stallions and this is a grate opportunity to create the foal of your dreams. 

We have also over the years rented good mares and we can bring them to a good stallions of your own choose.  Including in the rental price is the transsportation to a stallion within 150 km away, upbringing   of the foal until it is 6 months old.    

You can see the variety of the mares we can offer by looking up 
Hryssur here on our webside.









Flettingar í dag: 2176
Gestir í dag: 50
Flettingar í gær: 19782
Gestir í gær: 105
Samtals flettingar: 1864297
Samtals gestir: 105346
Tölur uppfærðar: 16.2.2025 15:59:30

ÁLFHÓLAR | SARA ÁSTÞÓRSDÓTTIR | 861 HVOLSVÖLLUR - ÍSLAND | Tel: (+354) 898 8048 | [email protected]